Lyons Estates
50 Aintree Road
L20 9DN
01512 943232
Royal Street, LiverpoolMonthly Rental Of £1,200
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Let STCLyons Estates - 01512 94323200005322


Lyons Estates are delighted to offer for LET this fantastic three double bedroom homes. With approximately 91 sq m of cleverly designed living space, this home offers every family the room they need. The well equipped kitchen and open plan diner/lounge are both great family-orientated rooms. There’s a WC on the ground floor too, and when everyone needs their own space, there are two large bedrooms to the first floor with a modern family bathroom and huge master bedroom to the second floor. Each property comes with parking and a private rear garden.

Located on Everton Valley, L4 these properties are situated just minutes from the city center by car or public transport. There are several bus routes within a 2 minute walk of the development.

Freehold / 10 Year build warranty / Contemporary modern kitchens / beautifully tilled bathrooms / Spacious family homes / Very Eco Friendly.

PROPERTY MISDESCRIPTIONS ACT 1991"The Agent has not tested any apparatus, equipment, fixture, fittings or services, and so does not verify they are in working order, fit for their purpose, or within ownership of the sellers, therefore the buyer must assume the information given is incorrect. Neither has the Agent checked the legal documentation to verify legal status of the property or the validity of any guarantee. A buyer must assume the information is incorrect, until it has been verified by their own solicitors.""The measurements supplied are for general guidance, and as such must be considered as incorrect. A buyer is advised to re-check the measurements themselves before committing themselves to any expense.""Nothing concerning the type of construction or the condition of the structure is to be implied from the photograph of the property.""The sales particulars may change in the course of time, and any interested party is advised to make final inspection of the property prior to exchange of contracts"MISREPRESENTATION ACT 1967"These details are prepared as a general guide only, and should not be relied upon as a basis to enter into a legal contract, or to commit expenditure. An interested party should consult their own surveyor, solicitor or other professionals before committing themselves to any expenditure or other legal commitments.If any interested party wishes to rely upon any information from the agent, then a request should be made and specific written confirmation can be provided. The Agent will not be responsible for any verbal statement made by any member of staff, as only a specific written confirmation should be relied upon. The Agent will not be responsible for any loss other than when specific written confirmation has been requested."

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