The High Pines is situated in Maiden’s Green, Bracknell. A desirable area, located amidst some very pretty Berkshire countryside with the tall pine trees, which give it its name, are in an adjacent copse. A high quality development and, with the encouragement of a caring attitude among all residents, has resulted in The High Pines becoming one of the most sought-after park home developments in the country.
Probably the most distinctive feature of this park is the neat arrangement of twin unit homes coupled with the very colourful gardens and attractive French cafe style street lights which are adorned with hanging baskets during the summer.
Each home has its own garage adjacent, and the park has all mains services, including natural gas, laid underground. The park is just a five minute walk from the centre Maiden’s Green, which is itself three miles from Bracknell, five miles from Ascot and six from Windsor.