UPVC double-glazed entrance door leading in to hallway.
Coved textured ceiling, painted papered walls, wall-mounted radiator, power points and carpet. Storage cupboard housing electric meter and fuse box and stairs rising to first floor landing.
White painted wooden door, coved textured ceiling, painted papered walls, UPVC double-glazed window to front aspect, tiled fireplace with wooden mantle shelf and electric fire, wall-mounted radiator and carpet.
Fitted with a number of eye and base level units with rolled edge worktop surfaces, inset stainless steel one and a half bowl sink and drainer unit with mixer tap, inset gas hob with stainless steel extractor fan over and built-under electric oven and washing machine. White painted panelled door, coved textured ceiling, painted walls, two UPVC double-glazed windows to rear aspect, tiled splashbacks to worktops, wall-mounted radiator and tile effect vinyl flooring to kitchen area with carpet to dining area. White painted wooden door leading in to storage cupboard and UPVC double-glazed door with two obscure glass panels leading to rear garden.
Coved textured ceiling, painted papered walls, loft hatch, smoke alarm, handrail to staircase, wall-mounted mirror and carpet. White painted wooden door leading in to airing cupboard with shelves and top storage box.
White painted wooden door, coved textured ceiling, painted papered walls, two UPVC double-glazed windows to front aspect, wall-mounted radiator and carpet.
White painted wooden door, coved textured ceiling, painted papered walls, UPVC double-glazed window to rear aspect, wall-mounted radiator, built-in wardrobe with top box and carpet. White painted wooden door leading into storage cupboard housing boiler.
White painted wooden door, coved textured ceiling, painted papered walls, UPVC double-glazed window to front aspect, wall-mounted radiator and carpet.
White three-piece bathroom suite comprising a panelled bath with mixer tap, shower attachment and shower curtain over, pedestal wash hand basin and low flush WC. White painted wooden door, coved textured ceiling, fully tiled walls with patterned border, extractor fan, wall-mounted radiator, medicine cabinet, toilet roll holder, towel rail and vinyl flooring.
Block paved driveway with brick wall boundaries.
Immediate brick paved area, remainder laid to lawn with fenced boundaries, a number of plants and shrubs, steps leading down to side gate, outside tap, gas meter and shed to remain.