This plot consists of approximately 2.46 acres of sloping pasture located at Little Bursted Farm, Lynsore Bottom, Upper Hardres, Canterbury. The pasture is deemed as Grade 3 on the Agricultural Land Classification Plan and is within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The field has the opportunity of mains sub metered supply water.
Please click 'Floor Plan' to view the Plot Plan.
Access is off Pett Bottom Road The purchaser will fence their respective lot(s). The main field boundaries are stock fenced. Purchasers should inspect fencing to their satisfaction.
There is one mains water supply to the site. We have been informed that there is water from the main supply to both sides of the road. Meters will be installed by the seller per lot at time of completion.
There are no entitlements with the land.
Viewers can access the site at their own risk following discussion with the sole agents, Angela Hirst Chartered Surveyors. The plot layouts will not be evident on site. Subject to suitable interest, plots will be marked on site.