The land The site was originally intended to be used as a childrens’ play area located within a 1980’s development of detached houses and bungalows. It is situated about 500 metres from the Bristol Channel and two miles from Dinas Powys. Planning permission was granted in 2010 for a pair of two storey semi-detached houses on the site. Another planning permission was granted in 2014 for a single bungalow stretching from one end of the site to the other. The site has had a history of various planning applications and community consultation. The current proposal is supported by a pre-application consultation with the Vale of Glamorgan Planning Department in 2015. The boundaries are a mixture of 2 metre high timber fences and brick / block garden walls. The site slopes from the north east down to the south west. The site is not located within a Conservation Area and none of the surrounding buildings are listed. The site does not contain any trees and therefore is not protected by any Tree Preservation Orders. The site does not lie within the Environment Agency’s indicative flood plain map for the area. The Welsh Water Authority state that foul drainage can be connected to the spur that has been provided for that purpose in the pedestrian access. Surface water will be discharged to soakaways.